Light through a wicker chair.
My contribution for the Abstract Thursday challenge, hosted with much enthusiasm  by youoregon1.
No more wet snow today, but there was a lot of rain in the morning.
Happily we could go for a walk after lunch, when the rain had stopped.
So funny to have gloves on.
We walked to the Eisenbahnerheim, looking for the horses, Paule, Lucky and Beauty, but they evidently were still on their summer meadow(s).
As long as their is fresh grass, they will stay there, we learned from the family that lives at the other side of the road.
I ate some of the carrot myself.

My haiku:

If light is everywhere
We better keep our eyes wide
Open finding our way

And the proverb:

When it's dark in Dover, 'tis dark all the world over.

1756  S.Pegge, Kenticisms, Prov.

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