
We're back home, and the ocean is still here. Early morning on the wharf, and where did all these pigeons come from? This great dramatic sky did not yield any rain, but it was great to see so much cloud action. 

Today's excitement involved the oven: it blew up when I turned it on to make a new batch of granola. Yes, I make granola, and yes, the oven did blow up: a big POP as it was preheating, and the door pushed out a little with the bang. Turned it off and called PG&E. They were quick to come, and turned off the gas and now we are without a stove until we get someone to fix it. Mr S has set up the camp stove in the backyard; luckily we can just segue from one camping trip to another and cook our meals outside til this is resolved.

Hipstamatic: Lowy lens, Blanko film

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