Jax and co.

By indusriver

Biding our time

So after you miss a flight and your next one is not for two days...you bide your time. Time in a city with two teenagers seemed to mean a whole lot of shopping  - although since we only had carry on luggage, it was more like window shopping! Poor Sienna and actually poor me - it was exhausting!

Actually it also meant quite a lot of hipster cafe visiting and people watching. Teenagers very happy to take it all in - Sienna needing a few distractions in the way of a fashion book - designing dresses being her latest 'thing'!

However we did make our way to The John Rylands Library - where Sienna discovered that she has an affinity to gothness, watched one of the Jurassic Park films (which scared me far more than my youngest child) and ate noddles at Wagamama.

The general consensus was that it was as good a day as can be when you should really be in Switzerland!

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