Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Inner Light

This would seem to be my 365th blip! I'm actually quite surprised to have gotten here without a hiccup. Of course, my obsessive need to post a daily blip might be considered a problem by some, but I'm sure all most of you understand.

This is a lovely community, and I'm thoroughly enjoying all my blip friends. I think I'm learning a bit about photography as well, which is a bonus. Thank you one and all for your comments, stars and hearts over the past year. Onward!

As a bit of an afterthought - I had no particular inspiration for today's commemorative blip. But when I went to the garden to pick the last of the green peppers - in advance of a possible frost overnight tonight, carrying my camera [as one does] - I noticed a lot of the tiny, weedy, invasive morning glory flowers were still open despite it being mid-afternoon. I took a bunch of ho hum photos, and liked this one in the end. Mostly because it appears to be lit from within. It wasn't really, the sun was shining into the white center of the flower whilst the rest of it was shaded by leaves. But it looks more like it has a wee lightbulb inside, doesn't it?

The extra was my other - my original - choice. A tomato that died, and dried, on the vine. Seemed evocative of... something.

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