jeni and the beans

By themessymama

of life and biscuits

Poor Ben. Fell asleep on the sofa again. The cold that walloped Charley yesterday has properly walloped Ben today. Both boys are feeling very sorry for themselves!

Still. Sparklers for Ben at church this morning. He couldn't wait to go in! It blesses me hugely to see him so eager to go, my little boy, growing all happily independent.

Not so independent as to look after himself once the kids' groups had finished though - I'd taken Charley off for an extra swim class, and forgotten to arrange for somebody to pick Ben up. And Steve had forgotten to get him too! A very sad Ben told me when I met them back at home that Daddy had forgotten him. Needed a big cuddle!!

Charley did much better in today's swim class, even despite being bunged up with a cold. He's learnt to sit on the edge and wait to come into the water, he's learning balance so he doesn't just roll in the water, he's learnt to hold on to the edge without me holding him there. We managed a few goes at rolling over, and he's started learning the foundations for front crawl, reaching out with alternate arms for a ball. Very proud of him today :) He slept half the afternoon though...!

This afternoon Steve and I got our wires crossed again. I need to get these craft kits prepped and posted this week, with instructions written. Steve didn't realise what I meant and proceeded to try and finish off what he'd started yesterday with the bathroom ventilation, leaving me with two tired, poorly, clingy boys. Ah well. At least today I did get a bit of work done! AND I made lemon curd biscuits, and even iced a few. They do rather pale by comparison to Lyra's though....

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