Indoors if wet

No, it isn't raining - we have "more of the same" today, with incredibly still weather and some remarkable reflections and lights in the bay. However, I got to thinking: whatever happened to the Equinoctial Gales this year? Mr L remarked that they should have been here ages ago and we had an Indian Summer instead. This sent him to look at the forecast and I seem to have summoned something up - we have winds gusting to 60mph+  expected by Thursday. With rain.

I have recently been complaining remarking on how much I mourn the loss of what passed for my Studio space when Mr L moved back in to this room with me. Previously I had a large bench that I could set up with backdrops and lighting and I really miss the ability to set up and to leave it like that for several days until I stumble upon the shot that I want.

So, with wet weather in the offing and the need to figure out how to work indoors, I took myself to the kitchen and had a little play with the product stage, which just fits on top of the small table. It's hazardous and any small slip could send all tumbling... smashing my new lights to smithereens on the slate floor. Let us hope that does not happen.

This is one of a set of three puzzles that I bought earlier this year with the intention of playing about with my camera before gifting them to Mr L for his birthday. It turns out to be a really difficult thing to photograph. 

I had expected it to be a simple matter of shallow DoF yielding interesting effects but I cannot get that to work - the shots just look... messy. Worse still, boring.

It seems to me to be all about the lighting - and I am a complete duffer when it comes to lighting so... that gives me plenty to play with when the rain comes. I shall keep at it.

Let's face it, the shots may be terrible but it's more fun than housework and we oldies need to keep learning in order to keep the synapses in shape.

I plan to stick to that excuse.

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