Early photography

Spent some time today working through the online course on the history of Victorian Photography  -  you can learn about it HERE!  The processes of daguerreotype and calotype I am familiar with from my time having to learn about them while I was a photographer in the Air Force, but some names and dates were new to me. Hope it's not going to contain too many names and dates because I'm not very good at remembering them. I am more interested in the social side and how people behaved and dressed. For instance, Victorians were not a dour lot as photos might suggest - it was just that early daguerreotypes required 20 seconds exposure.  Try holding a smile for 20 seconds lol! My blip is of the earliest family photo I possess. It is of my Great Grandparents and my Aunt Linda, and was taken on a Box Brownie in the 1920s. You can't see what my Great Grandmother was wearing because her lap seems to be covered by a blanket. Probably a cold day out in Southsea - they were farmers in Hampshire so that would have been the nearest seaside I think.

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