Small but perfectly formed.

Crocus cambesedessii from the Balearic Islands where it can be found both in the mountains and around the coast.  Hardy in a frame here but so small I'm reluctant to risk losing it in the open garden.

Wiki tells us this about the man whose name this crocus bears.

Jacques Cambessèdes (1799–1863) was a French botanist born in Montpellier.
In March – June 1825, Cambessèdes performed investigations involving flora of the Balearic Islands. From this expedition he published the informal Excursions dans les îles Baléares (1826) and the first floristic inventory of the Balearics, Enumeratio plantarum quas in insulis Balearibus collegit (1827).
He has several botanical species named after him, including Paeonia cambessedesii, a peony native to Majorca.

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