A glimpse of Egypt

Dull, grey, damp what a huge contrast to yesterday. The fire is lit, son#1 is still ploughing through his wedding photo editing (this wedding was an 18 hour day, 2800 images!!!!!); the cats are asleep and himself is reading. Later we shall drag ourselves off to chips followed by arthouse - Marshland - True Detectives hits Franco's Spain!

A rifle through my jewellry box for a tiny tuesday offering. As earrings go though, this one is enormous and can only be worn for about half an hour before stretching your earlobe alarmingly. It's very gorgeous though and was purchased in a bazaar in Cairo - my bartering skills were totally weedy and goodness knows how much I paid for the pair but they are made out of glass and silver and hold all kinds of good and exotic memories. Nice to dwell on on a cold grey day in west Cork.

Many thanks to jensphotos for doing the business.

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