An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Happy Father's Day...

Backblipped 25.06.12

Yes, yes I know it's not till tomorrow but this wonderful man is in such great demand we had to celebrate a day early.

This is John, my step-dad. Well technically he's not my step dad as he and my mum never married but spent nearly quarter of a century living in blissfull sin instead! :-))

John fell in love with my mum in 1958 when she was 18 and he was 20. He was too shy to ask her out though so missed his chance and life led them in different directions, my mum to London and the Met and John eventually to South Africa.

A series of events led to them meeting again 1989 and this time he was determined she would not get away! Proof indeed of what's for ye, won't go by ye! :-))

I could write an epistle on John....about his kindness, thoughtfulness, humanity and utterly wicked sense of humour....but he would be mortified so I will just say how absolutely honoured I am that he sees me as his daughter. I absolutely adore him.

He is the best grandpa in the world to Alan and is one of the very few who Alan wants to have all to himself when he visits. This means John spends long periods of time in Alan's room chatting and having a laugh with Alan, but excrutiatingly (for John) also means he spends long periods listening to Alan's favourite music!

What a star he is!

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