My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Mist coat

Operation Nursery continued today with N sanding the gloss and applying the mist coat to the new plaster.

I have not lifted a finger as yesterday's strange day turned into a horrid evening. We ended up spending 4 hours in triage at the labour ward!

The awful pain in my side turned stabby and unbearable so I phoned maternity assessment unit and off we went.

The doctor did lots of checks for things like appendicitis and ordered an outpatient abdominal scan to check my kidneys, gall bladder, etc but feels that it is almost certainly the newly discovered fibroids giving me the problem as baby will be stealing their blood supply and kicking them so they are complaining... loudly and painfully!

Baby was monitored closely and is fine. They gave me some painkillers which helped immensely and a prescription for a few more to tide me over for a few days. I slept pain-free last night for first time since Saturday which was a blessed relief.

I hope the pain stays away, it's been low level and in the background today... hence having an easy day.

The little bonus of being so poorly last night was that we got a mini extra scan and caught a glimpse of baby's face which she was hiding earlier!

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