Legacy 2014

Wednesday and the middle of the week already.  Work already feels like I had never been away and as ever I left in a rush, running down the road to get my train.  I had to remember that I was picking BB up from badminton tonight – it’s amazing how quickly you get out of the routine.  He was delighted as he was player of the week.  Well done BB!

I was also delighted as I saw a friend there and was able to swap our parents evening appointment with hers, as TT and I couldn’t make the appointment we had been allocated.  Tea was a hotch potch of what I found in the fridge and what I found in the cupboard.  It wouldn’t have got me far on MasterChef – but it all disappeared.

My pedometer was woefully short of steps again so I went out for a walk round about.  It was quite mild, but the wind is getting up.

We are always hearing about the legacy from the Olympics and the Commonwealth Games.  I don’t know if CG2014 baton relay stickers on bus shelters (main) and lamp posts (extra) count.


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