Today, the Shed

After that busy day yesterday I was at it again today. Well, you know what they say about the wicked!

We have decided to finally give up the allotment, after much Umming and Arring. A week or so ago I went to clear it, took a huge bag to the tip, brought the tools and useful pots etc. back home, and gave some stuff away.
Today I went down early, fairly early anyway, and spent 3 hours dismantling the shed. Hardest part was probably the roof, getting the felt nails out and carefully rolling the felt so it can be re-used. Unscrewing the roof meant I had to lift it off, and there's one section which is pretty hefty, and I was on my own. I managed though.

Tomorrow I'm off to Birmingham, Paradise Square in the Copthorne Hotel, for the Oman RAF Veterans AGM and Dinner on Saturday night.
Leaving the hotel on sunday morning after breakfast and I think I'll pop into the Motorcycle museum as I've never been.

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