
I had to take the Little Misses to my French lesson with me this afternoon. I'm convinced I could probably pop out for a couple of hours without them noticing I'd gone, but I decided on balance that social services might not approve!
I wasn't convinced they'd sit quietly in the corner for two hours but I really didn't want to miss it so I thought I'd risk it. I could always leave at the tea break in the middle.
I had hoped to get there early to get them all settled, set them up on the wifi and make sure they were in no doubt whatsoever about the importance of sitting still and quiet as statues.
Obviously I never get anywhere early so we were running late. Then I fell over a hole in the car park, twisted my ankle and landed flat on my face. I had to helped up by a very kind passer-by!
So I limped into class late, didn't have time to log into the free wifi and had to listen to them squabbling over who had the most sausages whilst pretending they were nothing to do with me whatsoever
They eventually settled down and were mostly good. Miss E had headphones and watched something on her iPad. Miss L took herself off next door and did some beading. 
It wasn't ideal but I was so pleased not to miss the lesson. Two hours of reflexive verbs, possessive adjectives, time and prepositions. Brilliant!!
Last night I couldn't sleep so I found a "learn French in your sleep" thing on YouTube and fell asleep listening to it. I did find pronunciation easier today so maybe it worked!! 
After the lesson we went to the park and they had half an hour's running off all their pent up energy. 
And I crouched in the leaves with my phone.
Looking like a nutter I should think!

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