Surf's Up!

Le Braye car park was busy with surfers this afternoon when I met friends for coffee. I'd checked the surf report earlier whilst thinking about my blip but promptly forgot about it. There hasn't much surf for a while but it was good for a change as the wind is from the south west rather than the north. It's good for surfing but bad for weather as it usually means rain.
Anyway I was running late and just had time to nip above the beach before meeting my friends. I didn't have my the camera on the sports setting which I normally use for surfing shots, so I wasn't sure if they'd come out okay. I only took 11 shots and they weren't too bad. This is the best but there's a couple more on Flickr if you want to take a look.

The theme for Mono Monday will be ORIGINS and the tag will be mm91.

Dereliction is making a come back this weekend as Derelict Sunday, but to allow for anyone not able to blip that day, you can use the tag on any day of the week.  FreeSpiral is kicking off the hosting this week as a trial and we'll get into the swing next week. Tags:  DS1, derelictsunday, derelictsunday1 .
Spread the news please! 

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