Its that time again.

Yes folks its time to look the other way whilst the nurse jabs the needle in your arm. The annual flu jab.

But for added excitement you are being allowed to see a bit of Mrs. K. which is not often on show. She had a flu jab in one arm and a pneumonia jab in the other.

The nurse was curious about why I wanted to take a photo and was intrigued when I explained that my Blip followers were always looking for something a bit different. And I am not an enthusiast of selfies.

For several years our village Health Centre has done these over several days with punters being given appointments at 2 minute intervals.
But this year we have gone on to a couple of two hour sessions during which jabbing goes on in three different rooms. This morning it worked very well and we had to queue for just seven minutes during which time we could chat to a number of friends. Quite a nice little social event.

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