
By clairep

Today has been a strange one.  Started well as Roger dropped off the acrow bars we needed before Stu and Dad could replace the window lintels.  Unfortunately from this point on not much went to plan.   Click here for the details.  The photo shows the damage from the outside - hopefully once its replaced it will look like a better version of this. 
I have spent most of the day not really knowing what to do with myself. There is so much needs to be done, but its hard to know where to start at the moment.  I have removed a tiny but of plaster from a wall (taking a brick with it), filled a few more holes (still hundreds left), tidied up some mess (still looks like a bomb has gone off) and smashed some tiles which had been put on instead of skirting board - I mean!
On a positive note we have an appointment booked to get a quote for the new sash windows, and we have sent off the email about planning permission.  Fingers crossed!

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