Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


...Reed Network, at the ABC.
One of my favourite bands from the late 80s/early90s got together and are touring again. Total rock funk fest: was awesome.
I'm not really keen on taking many photos at gigs, I prefer to just get on with enjoying the show and, with phone camera, they never really come out well anyway.
This is Dan the man, the extras are the whole band on stage and me with Melvin and Brion after the show.  For some silly reason I went home right after the show so missed out on hanging out with them in the pub after - what was I thinking?  So annoying see all the photos on FB the next day!  
Grace watched the kids for me, and as P is away I just went on my own. But it's the kind of gig where I know there be loads of folk I know, and there was.  Great to see so many old, friendly faces and catch up.
Ears were still ringing the next day, out of practice and getting older - sigh! I sort of had maybe one pint over the school night limit too - hee hee.


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