Don't cough...

...because I'm not wearing a Tenna Lady!!!!  This is what Chrissie said as we were about to leave Tatton Park this afternoon. It was probably too late for us all anyway because we had laughed so much earlier!

Last Christmas my sister and the boys bought me a segway experience and with one thing and another it has taken me this long to get around to organising it. It was the perfect day for it today so the wait was certainly worth it. I had originally asked Jude to come along, but as it was on a weekday it wasn't possible, so a couple of weeks ago I asked Pat. Surprisingly, Pat said she would love to come along, so I picked her up early this morning. 

The colours of the trees in the early morning sun were stunningly rich as we drove through the park. "You should be good at this as you can ride a bike and rollerblade," said Pat, "Well you can ride a bike too," I replied. "Me!!! I'm not doing it'" choked Pat. "Of course you are, it is for two people." "Oh bloody hell...I though I was here to watch and take some photos for you."  

We got our helmets, knee pads and elbow pads on. I had thought it would be all kids as it is half term, but we were mainly adults in our group. We were given the basics...lean forward to go, backwards to stop...and then it was time to get on one for a quick try out one at a time. We all judder juddered, wibble wobbled but then we were off round the cones and giving each other a round of applause for not falling off ha ha ha. 

Happy that we could all cope, we then headed off into the woods and around the windy track. Amazingly, I managed to miss every tree, I bounced over every root and I leaned professionally round each bend. I even managed an emergency stop when the young lad in front of me tumbled to the ground. We segged around the course one way and then back the other way before heading back, it was splendid fun and I'd do it again in a flash. Pat was okay on the field but she decided not to do the wood track...this was fortuitous as I could hand her my camera so she could record my segging for me. I have to say that when I got off I did have wibbly wobbly legs for a bit ....but oh, what great fun!

We deserved a cuppa so we headed off for the Gardener's Cottage Tearooms where we met up with Chrissie who had come to join us.(I couldn't persuade her to have a go on a segway). Bacon butties and a cuppa....perfect. Then we went off around the gardens to take pics and walk off the bacon butties before we had a piece of cake. 

As we wandered around in the glorious Autumn sunshine we bumped into Pat's sister-in-law and her husband. (This you need to know because they were one of the reasons we laughed so much). It is a good job I went on the carousel yesterday because I couldn't persuade either of them to join me on the one at Tatton today. Anyway, after much walking we felt we had earned a cake, so we went back to the tearooms.

Three different cakes....sliced up so we could taste them all...and a cuppa, sitting outside in the sunshine...chatting and laughing...perfect. "Oh look, is that your sister-in-law again?" I said as a couple walked past. Pat said it was and we all waved, they waved back...."Ooops, no it isn't," said Pat. Well, you know when things become uncontrollably funny...well it was one of those moments. The couple thought it was funny too....and we laughed so much we cried and I suspect this was when they first wished they had worn a tenna lady!! 

We were all living in the moment, no thoughts or worries interrupted the day, we just had a blast, laughed and had a fabulous time. Thank you ladies for a great day out.....and thank you sis for an utterly brilliant present!!!!!!! 

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