First dance .....

With Diana. It's 1977, I'm 18 and she's ...... well let's just say a little older. We're at a local nightclub, Tiffany's in Dunstable, and having given my sister and Diana who were friends and work colleagues a lift, I decide to ask Diana for a dance towards the end of the evening. This is how we first met, and no, it wasn't where it all started because we didn't see each other again for quite some time.

Roll the clock forward 4 years and once again my sister is trying to cadge a lift off me for a night out with friends, on this occasion, Diana once again and another friend Josie. They want me to drive them 12 miles to a pub that specialises in cocktails and then pick them up at the end of the evening, for me, 4 runs totaling 48 miles.  I agree but only if I can stay with them for the evening. I figure I might as well get a night out as driver even if it means I can't enjoy the cocktails, and no, the thought of meeting Diana again was not behind my decision. 4 years had passed and I doubt that either had given the other much thought. 

During the course of the evening it was mentioned that Diana played squash. The very next week at work, a friend who I was due to play squash with cancels and I immediately think of asking Diana to take his place. Well the rest as they say is history. 2 years later we were married and with a ring on her finger she finally allowed me to squeeze her bum. It was worth the wait :-)

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