St Agnes today, and boy did we get soaked on the way over, that Guiding Star bounces very low in the water, but we soon dried off in the sunshine. The photo was taken at the camp site and in the far distance beyond the hammock is the Bishop Rock Lighthouse.

My extras are really exciting and I stood entranced before each view for A Very Long Time. The first is a Weedy Field and a Dusky Warbler. The second is a Turnip Field and a Pallas's Warbler. Don't try looking for the tiny birds, just enjoy the vegetation and wonder at the size of those turnips.

We didn't get so wet on the return boat trip but it felt as though we were in 30 foot waves. slight exaggeration, but only slight

Dinner tonight is Lamb Tagine, prepared for us by the man down the road at The Tanglewood Kitchen Company, followed by blackberries and apples. We have eaten blackberries just about every night since we arrived, but they are free!

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