G nipped down to the quay this morning to see if there was a boat to Bryher today. There wasn't, but in 10 minutes there was a 6 hour pelagic trip on the Sapphire. I threw some cheese between two hunks of bread, tossed a packet of crisps, chocolate biscuit and cereal bar into his rucksack and he was off at a run to the boat. I watched with my binoculars to see if he had made it and yes, he was on the boat as it chugged out of the harbour.

I did some washing and started packing for the off on Saturday. Later I went down the street to fetch G's newspaper and got a whiff of the pasties through the open deli door. Decision made, a Cornish pasty for an early lunch. Back at the cottage I fended off the cat, who we now call Hope, and sat outside to enjoy my pasty. It was darned good. So a not very healthy lunch for either of us!

This afternoon I have prattled about with my paints, stitched some octagons and watched part one, series one of Downton Abbey at last, thank you S!

Extras are the Sapphire heading out to sea, and a bike I spotted this morning.

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