
By weewilkie

swimming in a blue dream too

I've started swimming again. I was a very good swimmer when I was a child, I swam for the town and the county and - with some reluctance - my High School. I say reluctance because I'd grown fed-up with swimming and I had my arm twisted by the PE teacher after he found out I was good.

Today as I moved through the water the low light of the afternoon sun beamed through the round windows and lit up the swimming pool....
I reach out and pull myself through, slipping through the sun dancing with the water. Light splits into rainbows. It dances off the water onto the ceiling, the walls, the chlorinated air. Water and light ripple all around and I swim and breathe and feel the slipstream that my heart and muscles and pull and kick create in the wondrous light. I am making new ripples to dance with the light and scatter around me. I am swimming in a blue dream.
I eventually tire and come out. I get dried and go outside into the bright yellows and burnt reds of the trees catching this glorious light. The leaves are rippling in the wind, they bring to mind the fingers of a piano maestro playing a masterpiece, I can hear the music the leaves are playing. It is joyous. It proclaims the light and their bright dying splendour under the blue sky. I have carried the light and the water's dance out from the pool with me into my way home. I walk, I swim in my element.

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