Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

Thinking inside the box

Yesterday I dropped the 106 off at the garage after asking them to look at it before spending too much time and money on it. The head gasket is blowing slightly but it's been giving the coolant a slight "head" of oily emulsion for two years now and it doesn't seem any worse. And the coolant leak seems to be fixed. It's had a mini service and an MOT and it's got more life in it!

I'm even splashing out £60 on a new radio (with USB input) to match the one in the Morgan as the current one isn't playing MP3 CDs very well. I bought matching radios for both cars about 9 years ago and both radios expired within a couple of months. The Mog's had more excuse - it has one more deluge of water than it could cope with.

At work we are ploughing on towards the November 4th deadline which is looming like a brick wall. And I'm trying to specify the work to follow immediately after. Relentless.

Or nearly relentless. I'm still managing to dodge lunchtime meetings and I fitted in the Fartlek run this lunchtime.

And C is looking at a week in Goa for next year!

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