
I may not have a life these days - but sometimes that doesn't matter.
Not when you get such a great day with the Cygnet.

He was full of beans when we arrived and that continued all morning when we went out to the garden centre.
We bought him a huge Smartie cookie but he still insisted on dipping it into the cream on the cheesecake that SWMBO had.
Cheeky so & so.
After the snacks and colouring in we went round to the play area.
It may be for 5-12 year olds but he loved it.
I had to lift him onto the bottom rung of the ladder but then he was able to climb up by himself - which is amazing considering the gap between the rungs.
He was a bit taken aback by the speed of the slide (it is higher, steeper and a lot wider than he is used to) the first time down but he loved it.

(Goofy face, happy face and slightly paniced face here).

By the time we got home he was knackered (or "knacked" as he said after hearing me).
So he asked to go to bed, slept for over and hour and a half, had lunch and ran riot again before insisting SWMBO took him out for another walk.

I think he will sleep tonight.

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