Is this the work of the ermine moth caterpillar?

The foggy morning had left jewelled droplets over all the thousands of cobwebs in the garden. This web particularly caught my eye as it was like a blanket of silk over the flowers. We saw an article on TV recently about the work of the ermine moth caterpillar which drapes its food source with a dense covering of silk to protect itself from predators. I'm not sure that this is indeed the work of the ermine moth caterpillar but it looks impressive all the same.

The fog eventually lifted mid morning and we had a lovely sunny interlude when I was waging war against the thorny pyracantha on the far side of the pond. A vicious shrub with huge, strong thorns that doesn't take kindly to being pruned. Even with stout gloves the thorns hit their mark but in the end I won and the laboriously chopped up branches were consigned to the garden waste bin.

By the time we came to go out for our walk, the fog had returned as we strolled though Mote Park amongst the gathering gloom and mist. Spoke to Christopher in San Diego when we arrived back - 81f there this weekend. They spent Halloween on the beach.

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