Learning day by day

By EmmaF

November Mist

Back to manic Mondays. Work was good if busy. From there I went to drop in which was pleasantly busy. Always good to feel you are making a difference to a Mum and baby. Back to collect Will from school. He has a painful, slightly wobbly front tooth. I am hoping it is just wobbly and the bulge behind it is nothing more sinister than a new tooth! He is at the dentist on Friday so hopefully he'll manage until then, or it will fall out.

Will went to tennis and came away with a sticker for being the best listener! He was up in bed before Carys came home from her play date with J. J is the year above Carys at school, but they dance together twice a week and have become good friends.

When Will was at tennis, I popped into town. As I walked back to the tennis club, along the HBS playing field the mist was coming in and the temperature dropped. This was taken on my phone as unfortunately (and unusually) I didn't have my camera in my bag.

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