The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

My Name is.....

Since I have changed my name people who email me for the first time are addressing me with my new second name as the first name.  The email format - second name, first name - has not changed but I guess people like a shorter name and my new second name has 4 letters.

This Monday was ok actually in the end.  Looking like a bit of a full on week.

I am really looking forward to Steve getting home at the end of the week.  My sunflowers are still quite full of life - they are lasting really really well :)

I went for a run this evening - it was so hard and I still hate it but I feel better for having done something physical as life is quite sedentary when you drive to work and don't need to walk much.

I do like blip but one thing I find challenging with the journal part is how open this site is - It is too easy for situations you may want a cathartic rant on to end up pretty public and known.  Although I wouldn't give specifics there are some days you just want to have an ARGH - Really???? minute.  You know.  For now I am just de-linking from facebook and twitter.

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