Clearing the decks

Another visit to Ocean Village today to clear the decks for the next publication, the first of two handbooks which are published for the Royal Southampton Yacht Club.
The first, aptly named On The Water, is  both a promotional brochure and a member handbook, the second, will detail much more of who's who in the Club.
Both are annual publications and are part of the Club's communications programme which include a twice yearly member magazine, the Yachter, weekly information Newsletters, and the Club's real-time website.
So today was geared to pulling the loose ends together to complete the content for the first publication.
But, breaking away from the computer for a while I always appreciate a stroll around the marina adjoining the Club to see what craft are moored on the pontoons  . . . 
And just maybe compare the offerings of the marina bars and restaurants to the Club itself.  But then diligent research is one of the qualities of a professional journalist!

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