Mystery mono

Went to have my stitches removed today. Didn't quite go as planned as I missed my train by about 30 seconds. Thankfully a mate was at home and was about to leave for town, so was able to give me a lift and I arrived almost exactly as planned - 10 minutes early...!

My stitches/sutures were removed without too much drama, though he did miss one in the fold on my thumb - good job I had  look before he put the dressing on. Any how all removed, the thumb is surprisingly not bruised or discoloured and even the scab doesn't look too bad. It itches a bit though - but that probably means it healing.

On my way home my train was late - I could have done with that in the morning... Nice and spooky foggy day but couldn't find anything interesting to blip going from the clinic to work and from work to home.

On arriving home we'd had a power cut in the afternoon, it took out my home server - it had been up and running without a re-boot for over 350 days, I was hoping to get it over a year. However lack of electricity tends to interfere with that! No matter it probably needed a reboot anyway. Just because Linux doesn't need rebooting every 5 minutes doesn't mean it shouldn't be rebooted now and then...

Anyhow today's medical mono blip is a mystery, can you identify it? I can confirm it's a close-up and it's medical - but it does say that on it so I'm not giving much away.

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