Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Morning jewels

Foggy start to the day, with bushes showing the morning mist drops hanging like jewels - lovely.

Regular Monday at work.

Hubby cooked tea, mmmm

Lace, such a tonic - we had cake! We have a young girl (think she's about 12 or 13) who attends our lace group, she leaves the group a little before the end as her dad picks her up. This also gives us the opportunity to "let our hair down" - have to watch the conversation with her present, not that we are rude or anything, but having conversations relating to mammograms and other female only tests can sometimes be difficult, and as for childbirth, well let's leave that conversation. He he.......

Oh and the cake, well the young girl has domestic science in a Monday so this was her produce today, pear and walnut muffins - she got 9 out of 10 from school, we to,d her she was robbed, deserved at least an 11 !!

Looking forward to a restful Tuesday :)


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