
And a little burned out. It was too much work the last weeks and too little pleasure. Cannot stand another box full of books. Hubby is a little compulsive in unpacking all his stuff , I would rather leave most in the garage or the garbage bin. Love the empty spaces.

Tomorrow I am going in to explore the Reno medical system one more time and probably not for the last time. Feel a little low when I think of it. Maybe the pains weren't strong enough these last months to make me look forward to it.

I feel guilty for hardly commenting at all. I miss so many of your beautiful pictures. Mostly I am so tired in the evening that I rarely manage to visit more than one or two of you. Then I fall asleep.
But know that every one of your kind comments, stars and hearts makes me very happy, often smile.

This picture was taken at 6 am  after 48 hours of steady rain, an absolute first here in Reno for me. But now, while I am writing , there is a little  blue coming through the clouds. That lifts my spirits.

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