Needles and Pins

Today is Peters birthday. I'm not saying how old he is but now he should know the answer to life,  universe and everything!

It is a grey, cold day, we didn't even have the morning mist to cheer us up,  unless it came and went before I got up.  We took a trip to B&Q to change a tin of paint, Ann's painting the spare room and trying to find the right colour combinations.  I put forward my advice, which quite correctly was ignored. 

We went from there to Nero which developed from coffee to lunch of some of their delicious soup.  Home then where we lit a fire to cheer ourselves up and settled down to some tennis after I'd done some investigation into Windows 10 upgrade from XP, not advisable, though from Vista maybe a possibility.

The picture is one of my Greenhill Street collection.  This project is bit like painting the Forth Road Bridge, shops open, close and change over time; this shop, number 40, used to be the Greenhill Fish Bar which I blipped back in August, though it was closed then.  At least it's something different now, not another eatery or charity shop.

The 'extra' is just about my twisted sense of humour, this badly taken
photo, as it was taken quickly and surreptitiously, shows an employee of the shop having a cigarette and cup of tea, even in a tobacconist smoking is banned!  There's also a picture of our fire so you can share the warmth :-)

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