Patricia Negus

What an incredibly joyful day we have had today.  We headed towards Margaret River to visit one of Australia's most renowned book illustrators, Patricia Negus.  I first became aware of Patricia's incredible work many years ago when I purchased her definitive work on Wildflowers of Southwest Australia.  This botanical masterpiece was created in collaboration with well know identity Jane Scott. I first met Jane in 1995 when she guided my "Club Ped" walking group on two wildflower walks in the Margaret River region when we were touring during the spring.  I can assure you, there's nothing that Jane does NOT know about this area.

Over the past 20 years Patricia and her husband Tim Negus have created something very special out of what was once a bare paddock.  The centre piece of their property "Swallows Welcome", is the "Chapel of the Flowers" and I have added an extra image of one of the magnificent stained glass windows accompanied by four of the original panels that feature in the wildflower book.  Oh,  and I couldn't help but add the image of the most magnificent frog who was very happy to pose for me as he sunbaked on his perch in the lily pond.  I should also add that they also produce a very mean vintage in the wine department as well.

I know, I know, you're wondering who the cutest little dog in the whole world is who is snuggled up in Patricia's arms.  Well let me introduce you to Fenton.  Fenton is only 8 weeks old and when he grows up he will be a Jack Russell!!  His Mum is called Fruity Cake and I have to tell you I tried sooo hard to get Fruity Cake and Fenton to sneak away with me in the "MiniMo" but Patricia wasn't having a bar of it and I have to say CCN wasn't too impressed either! 

Here is a link to Patricia's website and I urge you to explore her wonderful world. If you look at the larger version of my main image you will be able to see a very small representation of Patricia's repertoire.  How could you not feel at home with such a beautiful person who is not only unbelievably talented but loves Jack Russell's and used to play squash for over 30 years.  Thank you so much Patricia - we can't wait to return.

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