A Walk in the Woods

Oops, I spoke too soon! The haar finally reached this bit of the north east today, wrapping the countryside round Sandend and Cullen, in a misty damp cloak.
There was no glimmer of brightness as we made our way to Cullen to walk in the grounds of Cullen House, in the Seafield Estate, which dates back to 1602 and which has been restored and now houses residential flats.
Nearby we explored the exterior of the old Cullen Kirk and the surrounding ancient gravestones. This is a pre reformation church which is still in use after 700 years.

The path through the woods under a canopy of beech and sycamore branches was thick with fallen russet leaves; with not a breath of wind, the only sound was the call of the rooks high up in the trees near the entrance to the estate.

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