Out of reach

I had an eye test first thing.  Last year, I'd been a bit annoyed that my eye prescription was worse when I didn’t think it needed to be.  On top of that, I wanted to keep the same glasses which cost more to replace the lenses than it did to buy a new pair.  

So, I didn’t get any.  I’ve not had trouble seeing.  

I changed to an opticians in Ilkley today.  My prescription is exactly the same as my old one.  That pleased me.  This year, I can even cope with the fact new lenses will still cost me more than a completely new pair of glasses.  Even though they’re the same prescription, I need to replace the plentiful scuffs and scratches with some clear glass.  One for the To Do list.

Meticulous precision was required today to fit in a walk on the moors.  I saw a few splashes of blue sky but it was just inches out of reach.

It was lighter fog than yesterday though and thoroughly enjoyable. A pea super!

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