Blueboy Comes and Goes

Dear Diary,

Blueboy is such a timid soul.  If I even get near to the window he flees so the second shot is more likely what I see.  But this day I got both.  He has what I would say is a Type A personality...full of energy and never still.  His little flashes of blue around the feeder are always welcome even if he can't stick around for a chat.

I don't know if others see wild animals as having distinct personalities but I do.  Even within species there are distinct variations in personality.  Living close to these gentle souls and observing them everyday one becomes intimately acquainted with their particular quirks.

Blueboy alerts other Blue Jays to a full feeder when he sees I've stocked it.  He sits in the Crab Apple tree and squawks loudly.  Then, two or three others will fly in and join him.  These days the feeder needs to be filled twice a day but I don't mind.  They give me such pleasure.

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