Migrant in Moscow

By Migrant

Guy Fawkes Night

It's Guy Fawkes Day today though no one seems to have told Moscow. (they're keeping the powder dry for New Year's Eve).  The day (or night) originates from the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, a conspiracy by English Catholics to assassinate the Protestant King and replace him with a Catholic head of state. Guy Fawkes himself was caught guarding 36 barrels of gunpowder placed beneath the House of Lords (Fawkes was subsequently executed).  The public were subsequently allowed to light bonfires every year on 5 November in celebration of the king's survival.

My father was born on Guy Fawkes Day and named Guy because of that.  An association I think he quietly enjoyed.

This is the night version of my second blip on Tuesday.  Taken at ISO 6400 using a monopod. It's been overcast all week though no rain to speak about.  I suspect that a consequence of that is the cool clear air this evening which continues a sequence of beautiful soft autumn light.  

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