
By Hanulli


A nice walk with Omo along the Gersprenz. There were marvelous reflections on the water - they are pure, only cropped a bit, but without a proceding with fotoshop.
I thought they would be a nice entry for Abstract Thursday...
(You find the more abstract shot in the extras)

It was very warm, warm enough to start painting my rose arch. I was only half ready (first lay) when my daughter came from school with a bad thoothache. A thooth was broken. So we hurried to a dentist far away because our lokal dentist was free. She had to get a root canal treatment and got a injection for the first time. She did it VERY well and I'm very proud of my big girl :-D. Now she will definitely change the dentist - so it wasn't too bad for her.

All day long I struggled with my cold. A bad headache and a strong cough - haha a perfect combintion :-P
I fell asleep everywhere I sat.
The mind said: "Work!" The body said:"Sleep!"
The body won!
I hope I will feel better in the weekend to enjoy your journals and to react on your comments :-D

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