Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Clearing out ...

We've been talking about "doing something" about the loft for the past 10 years, but it is only now that we've been forced to clear a way into the farthest recesses of said loft to allow builders and plumbers access during imminent work in our bedroom cupboard. I didn't get the camera out soon enough to capture the full horror of the pile of black bags at the foot of the stairs before Mr PB and a good friend who has youth and muscle on his side began hauling it down the garden in the rain, but this gives some idea of the cathartic nature of our morning. You might spot bits of carpet; the lino we had in the kitchen about 30 years ago; the wood left over from constructing the kitchen units 15 years ago; a defunct shredder ...

Actually the loft doesn't look terribly different: empty cardboard storage boxes look just the same as full ones. But there are clear pathways to the doors leading into the roof space, and we shall return to the fray after the building work is over.

If we survive, that is ..

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