Red Squirrel


Fabulous fungus

See it larger!

At my Tuesday morning school yesterday, at break time I was tracked down by Dwyer, one of the teachers, who wanted to show me some photos he'd taken for me on his phone. We often chat, have much in common - a love of nature, photography, woods/forests, music etc - and he knows about my blipping and my fungi shots. He lives quite near the school and cycles there - on the way home one day last week he'd suddenly noticed this beautiful bracket several feet up on a massive Oak tree. He said he immediately thought of me, so stopped and grabbed some shots to show me when I was next there. Of course I was quite enraptured by this bracket, by the stunning colour and the beautiful curvaceous outlines of it, even from the small picture on his phone - he told me where to find it, at the convergence of three roads (of which he gave me the names), so I checked it out on Streetview. As I'd already planned to blip the swallow chicks yesterday, I hadn't even bothered to take my camara to work with me! So today I made sure I did, and when I left work I detoured to the other side of Norwich especially to grab a blip of it - and afterwards my route home took me into the traffic chaos which ensues when the Norfolk Show is on at Costessey, just a short distance away. As a result I didn't get home until 7 o clock! But I think it was worth the big detour and holdups. The things we do for a blip eh? lol
Next Tuesday, as it's so close to the school, I may well stop off there and take a side shot ......
So thanks to Dwyer for this blip - I shall of course put a copy on my memory stick and take it into school for him next Tuesday. Isn't it great when even non-blippers start helping out with your blips?! The joys of blipping :))

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