Chris Daniels

At our monthly Friends of Belair National Park meeting today, our guest speaker was Chris Daniels. He gave us a wonderful lecture on spiders. In fact he was the best and most interesting speaker I have ever listened to at these meetings.

Chris Daniels is Professor of Urban Ecology in the Division of Information Technology, Engineering and Environment at the University of South Australia. He is Director of the Barbara Hardy Institute where he facilitates and conducts research into sustainable communities.

Chris was educated in zoology at the University of Adelaide and the University of New England. Chris has held academic positions at the University of California, Flinders University and the University of Adelaide before accepting the chair of Urban Ecology at UniSA.

Chris teaches undergraduate and postgraduate zoology and supervises large numbers of research students each year. He is a member of several journal editorial boards and zoological societies including the Royal Society of SA. He holds honorary positions at ZoosSA and SA Museum.

See Paladian's spider blip for today here.

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