A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Tonight Matthew I will be performing as ....

an ANGRY cat!


Sparky hasn't made an appearance on blip for a while. He hates having his photo taken, especially with the flash.

But the flash makes his eyes SO pretty.

And it makes him grumpy. He exited stage left, via the cat flap in much disgust.

Friday night chores await ....

have a great weekend everyone.

PS - Mum - Parents evening last night was great...but sadly, it was because the parents that I really needed to see, that would have been 'difficult' conversations, didn't come out - probably because the weather was rubbish. Sad to say that some people value staying dry over getting feedback about their child's progress. But made a nice parents evening because I spent all night being able to say really nice things about really good kids!

On a separate note, James' school got a "Good" in OFSTED with many Outstanding elements - the report is very good :-) So James is happier now he knows his school is good as far as OFSTED are concerned - you can tell he is a teacher's son!

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