Evil sugar

I didn't blip yesterday. These babies were to blame.

I bought three packs of bubblegum bottles yesterday lunchtime (3 for 99p - who could resist?!) I ate a packet on the way home from school heading towards the Osteopath. I duly saw my osteopath, was crunched and clicked back into some semblance of normality then went home.

I always feel pretty sluggish after the Osteo, but at 8pm, I hit a brick wall so large that it was all I could do to drag myself up the stairs, get into my PJ's and climb into bed. I woke at 11pm, stayed awake for an hour or so to watch a documentary about Ramses II and Khufu, then got back into bed and slept till 10.45 this morning!

Definitely the sugar.

I am still steaming about something, which I can't vent my spleen about on here in case the person in question checks my blip (its the sort of thing they'd do) but suffice it to say, what goes around comes around, and children aren't daft, they do remember and they make decisions based upon how the adults around them treat them. Don't make time for them, they won't make time for you. Children aren't inconveniences to be squeezed into our lives when it suits us, or when we can manage it - we bring them into the world, its our responsibility to help them grow. And if we can't be bothered, because other things are more important, then relationships with our children eventually crumble. Thats how life is. I wish some people would learn that, because it makes me sad everytime I see that they don't. Big words mean nothing if they are empty promises.

Today I am grateful for my son, who is fantastic, full of beans and who makes me smile; my hubby to be, who looks after us both and treats us with love and respect; and my family, because I know you are all there and you don't make empty promises or manipulate us.

Now I am off to play a game on the Wii which has crazy rabbits (or rabbids) which James assures me I will be able to play as "its for kids mum so the controls are dead easy"!!!!

Can't argue with that :-)

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