Of all the things

that I could blip today, I have resorted to me.

Today has been a learning and spending day.

I have acquired two lamp stands with softboxes this afternoon. I also figured out how to take tethered shots - all this time I have had the software sat on my computer but I didn't know! So I have been playing with using the computer to control the camera and it's fantastic. Shots load straight to the PC and I can change all the camera settings from the computer. Bloody marvellous.

Going to experiment with the llights later on, if I can get Corin to sit down and stop building, fixing and generally finding things to do. He's been a busy bee today.

So this was taken as a tethered shot. Still learning :-) That is a good thing.

Bought a new flashgun as well. In the meantime, Corin asked "If I can fix your old one can I have it?" I said that he could, of course. Unsurprisingly, he has fixed it!

So, hopefully, tomorrow night at our school's achievements evening I can take some appropriately lit portraits of our students and their families, which they can then have as mementos. But ultimately, I have some gear now which I have coveted for a while, which will help me to take portraits and such like and get the results in camera (more likely) than in post processing. We'll see. It's not the equipment that makes the photographer, it's the skill and the eye of the photographer themself. I'm wondering if the equipment can compensate for my shortcomings?

Right, off to make a brew for my lovely fella.

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