Put your feet up

...fat chance.

Its actually 12.10 on Wednesday night into Thursday...gutted that the time is wrong on my camera!

A couple of fraught discussions at work with a colleague who bombards me with questions about things that he has had the time to go away and read about, and ponder upon, then he rattles all these things off at me and I feel like I am being ambushed. So in situations like this, I tell him I don't have the answers. What he wants is me to say I agree with him. But I won't agree with him until I have had time to think things through and come up with a rational response. We agree to differ. I should be grateful that he is digging around and asking questions. Instead I feel a little narked that he is doing it, because it should be something that I am doing, but as yet, have not had the time (but it is in my diary as a job for this week). I do get on really well with this person, respect him completely and he is really good at his job. He just has a different style to me and sometimes it gets my back up. I have learned to handle it better I think.

2.20pm - phonecall from James school - he's had an accident and somehow got knee-ed in the groin. Don't panic. He's fine. Just in a lot of pain! Somehow managed to get from Bury to Warrington by 2.55 (after clearing desk, saving work and making it out just before traffic went mental) - and no, I didn't break the speed limit.

Went to the Doctors to have it checked - despite James' protestations that it was OK - the colour of his face (greeny-grey) and the fact that he was limping suggested otherwise. Our next door neighbour is the receptionist there, so we got straight in! Saw the lovely Doctor Antony - who was amazed to see James as the last time he went to the doctors he was about 2 years old. Really good chat, checked James over - need to monitor the area (James just giggled when Dr A asked if "the crown jewels" were caught!). Measured and weighed him as well - now have to monitor his growth over the next 6 months and if rate of growth doesn't improve, referral to paediatrician to be checked over (he's right off the bottom of the growth charts for height for his age). Not worried, he'll catch up eventually. As for the groin, when I checked before bedtime - a cracking bruise is forming, just above the crown jewels...am goingto have to keep an eye on that. Poor thing (him and his mate were apparently a little too rambunctious in the playground and it was completely accidental that his friend's knee made contact with James with such force - I'm not so sure - I think James might be being 'nice' and not telling me the full story in case it gets his friend into trouble!)

Apart from an hour off to get curry from our favourite place, and eat it, I have worked at home from 4pm through to 11.30. Created a 20 slide multimedia interactive presentation for my students - self contained unit of work - hopefully try to encourage some independant learning! We'll see. Then ages doing more statistics as the Government have introduced another target setting process (ie moved the goalposts yet again) and that's causing the debates (mentioned earlier!!!)

Its time for bed said zebedee

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