Autumn Decay

There is lots to see in today's picture - I like the contrast between life & decay and the different colours when you look in to the picture....I love those little toadstools too that are almost invisible amongst the fallen leaves.

It was a good morning - I jumped out of bed dressed & with C's help got my shoes on before my trek up to the top of the cul-de-sac & back. Really pleased with myself ...could almost do it again but as my old boss used to say "you gotta learn to pace yourself Mr Crawford" maybe I will do it this afternoon or perhaps tomorrow morning. Anyhow, no adverse reactions yet. It was interesting walking up the road as it is something I wouldn't normally do. The road is made up of 1930s houses (ours is 1934) and there are so many that remain (from the outside) untouched. Surprisingly there are even 2 or 3 that have their original wooden windows. We were lucky when we moved into the road 20 years ago, the house was a blank canvas and with much work & determination over the years we got it how we wanted it within 15 years. Its a pleasure to live here and I wouldn't really want to move. The main thing which may become a bugbear is the garden. Eventually it will become too big for us & we will have to move..

Sat here waiting for the gas man who is due to service the boiler. Normally we would have it done in the Summer but somehow we forgot it this year. So British Gas will be here anytime between 12 & 6. It will be the last time we have them here for a while as I have just changed my Policy on the boiler maintenance. Believe it or not I managed to save circa £300 on this & so overall in the last few days I have saved well over £650 on household bills. Almost enough for a new camera....

Because we have a Grandchild on the way I have just ordered a new studio backdrop & lights so I can take some "more professional" looking shots. Watch this space as to how I get on. If you see nothing then you will know I'm not doing that well...but we will see.

I seem to have rambled on a bit today but just another Thank you to everyone for your encouraging comments the stars & the hearts.

Enjoy your week - by the way 3 weeks ago today I was getting a bit nervous. The surgeon changed my worn out hip for a nice shiny metal one - which seems to be working fine...that 3 weeks seems to have gone very quickly. Hopefully in another 3 I will be back driving & getting out and about which I have missed somewhat.

Oh yes the weather....Its dull but surprisingly mild once again despite quite a strong wind

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