Weathered Wood

This fence post cap is at the top of the garden & the weather really has shaped it into almost a work of art. Just love the shapes & textures.

Its Tuesday & C has gone to Crafting this morning so I'm left to do a bit of sorting out. I really need her here so I can get my shoes on to walk up the road & back. she will be back after 12 so fingers crossed it doesn't rain.

Had a phone call from Mum saying she had tripped down a kerb on her way to clean the church and had managed to crack a couple of ribs. Doc said rest & take painkillers which she is reluctantly doing. Fortunately she was with someone who stopped the traffic & picked her up out of the road !! It could have been so much worse, especially as she had a hip replacement no so long ago. She wouldn't have told me but her neighbour told her that she should .....mothers eh ?!

It is a cool dark day.

Oh yes & Peter said he might pop in for a coffee later...

Speak soon ...Richard x 

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