
I had intended to put a different shot on to this but then the more I looked at it the more I liked it. ...so here we are Feverfew. A herb sometimes used in the treatment of migraine.

So I've done my daily gallop up the road & back & I have to say it is getting easier every time I do it. I saw Bernard coming back from church where he goes everyday. He was speeding up the middle of the road in his mobility scooter. He said he was well just a bit shaky but then he added that he had just turned 90 so he wasn't as bad as he might be. He was shocked to see me on crutches, but i filled him in and he told me that he had had a new knee in the not too distant past, but that he didn't walk that much nowadays....

Today is 11 November and we remember serviceman & women who have given their lives in conflict.

C has just gone to the hairdressers & I'm here with Merlot who (little does he know) is going to the V E T s tonight for his annual jab & general look over. He won't love C tonight but will probably curl up with me on my sofa which is unusual.

Thanks again for all of the comments stars & hearts it means a lot, and really helps in my recovery.

Oh yes - my "studio" lights came yesterday which have been tried & tested & it looks like the backdrop is here too, so I must get opening to have a look. Can't wait to get rid of the crutches, which will make it easier for a full set up and dummy run with the gear.

Hospital tomorrow (in Oxford) to see Steph my physio who is bound to tell me off about something !!

Cool indoors yet mild outside  - very dull but dry.

Enjoy the day.

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