The journey continues...

By Lbell

Time for a tour!

We were up today early to get cracking on our long list of things to do in Medellin. It was a good job we were as we ended up getting on to the Pablo Escobar tour after 2 people dropping out. A quick breakfast next door of rice, egg, arepa and chocolate and we were off.

The tour was really good and informative and briefly explained the drug history in Colombia, and obviously Pablo Escobar is the main man behind this topic. Although he was a truly terrible person what he managed to achieve was actually pretty impressive. We got to see a few of the many (white for cocaine) buildings he constructed, learnt about his black humour, seen the roof on which he was killed and his grave and learnt how he didn't even take the drug that ended up making him one of the richest men in the world. I can't believe it was only 18 years ago that he was killed and the tour made me realise how embarrassed Colombian people are of what happened and how the cocaine business and the name Pablo Escobar remains a taboo subject that is obviously too soon to talk about or learn from here in Colombia.

After the tour we headed to the Cable car and took it all the way up to the top to reveal the wonderful views of the city of Medellin. It looked even prettier today with the sun shining and blue skies. At the top there's a park with various activities but once again due to our poor planning we didn't have enough time to get to the various parts and made it back in time for the cable car return. Instead we decided to get some mora juice and platano chips and sit in the sun.

Later we dined at a little typical Colombian restaurant called El paisita. People from Medellin are refered to as Paisas so this means the little Paisa. It was really nice and good atmosphere with the waitor practicing the little English he knew. Afterwards we took the metro to the Park of lights, via the square filled with Botero's sculptures, only because we got lost. The city is very pretty also at night and it was actually worthwhile getting lost just to get to see the other parts.

Now it's time for bed as we have an early start tomorrow to squeeze in the rest of the sights of Medellin :)

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